Saturday, June 30, 2007

Memo to self:1. Heal lepers 2. Save adulterers from stoning 3. Associate with tax gatherers and prostitutes 4. Go to St Pete and yell abuse at gay people
signed, Jesus
The H people that Jesus despised were Hypocrites, not Homosexuals.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

another reason for preferring the term rationalist to humanist, is that humans are not the only reservoir of reason. Even my cats may have some limited capacity for reasoning, and some of the other primates almost certainly. We are being just as arrogant as the God-believers if we think we have monopolized this capacity, in the same way they think that humans have a soul and animals don't.But it all means the same thing in the end.
Penn and Teller did the following piece:

I guess this is the end of pro sports on Sundays.

Corinthians is new testament. The Old Testament is where we get all the cool stuff like hating gay people, smiting instead of loving our enemies and not eating pork. Great smorgasbord the bible, pick and choose what you like.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Just don't do online surveys expecting to get paid.

Harris Polls contacted me. Supposedly reputable company, offering $25 to complete their long long survey. You don't find out how long until you are well through it.

Payment never showed up. They promised to investigate. They lied about both.


Saturday, June 02, 2007 where some cops pointed guns at the wrong people, probably because they were black.

It is this sort of incident which undermines confidence in the police. If they are going to lie about this sort of minor incident, then how about when the stakes are higher, as in a shooting?

We don't get to shop around for our police force, so there has to be a higher standard applied to them. It is not as if we don't like the service of one police force, we can use another one.
