Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I took a plane on Wed, Sep 27 US Airways Flight 1495 from Charlotte, NC to Los Angeles, CA. As we were taxiing and preparing for the safety briefing, the female flight attendant was checking that all electronic devices were switched off. She asked me to remove my headphones. I said "I am listening to your audio thru the seat arm connection". She said that I had to take off the headphones. I again repeated that I was listening to the airline's audio program.
She sniffed, "well I will go and turn it off then". Which she did.
I have been asked about the headphones before and upon my reply the flight attendants have said that it is OK.
Was this unfortunate individual just wanting to pass on her bad day to others or does US Airways have some sort of policy against using headphones before takeoff? If not maybe the airline could remind flight attendants that there is no safety issue with passengers using headphones to listen to the airline's own programming, which also is preempted by the safety briefing audio when that occurs.